Do what you were made to do.

You were made for a purpose. You were made to change the world.


Do you ever feel lost?

Do you wonder why you’re here or, for that matter, why any of us are here?

If you follow Jesus, you have a hardwired, internal compass in the Holy Spirit that’s pointing you in one direction: to love the whole world. But this was never meant to be a solo trek. He has created each of us to live in community, welcoming our friends, family, and neighbors near and far to join us as we travel through life together, as His witnesses, as His hands and feet.

“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” Acts 1:8

When you begin to see people through God’s eyes it will change the way you talk, share, serve, and live. This is what we were made for!

Resources for the Journey

Made to Love

“Based on research with Christians in seven countries and wrapped in my own personal story and reflections, Made to Love challenges us all to rethink how we inspire disciples for kingdom service.”


Do you ever fail to connect God’s mission of love, reconciliation, and compassion to your daily life? God’s message was simple, and we’ve made it complicated—allowing fear, shame, culture-locked language, and traditions to stop us from aligning ourselves with God’s heart for the world.

In Made to Love, Geoff Peters sheds light on the deeper story for why we are here and addresses the great divide between what we are called to do and what we actually do. He also lovingly points toward places where we, as ministry leaders, may have failed those we seek to serve.


Reviews : Made to Love

“I resonate with Geoff’s belief that God is more interested in our willingness to follow His commands than He is in the result of our work. Having worked closely with women who are ministering cross-culturally for the past twenty-two years, I hear the struggle of wanting to see the fruit of our investment in the lives of those who do not yet know Christ. We want to measure the Kingdom impact we are having and have a success story to tell our sending churches and supporters! What is the Lord asking you to do to participate in God’s work in the world? I believe reading this book will help bring clarity and inspiration to the Lord’s invitation to you. Listen well!”

Lorrie Lindgren, CEO of Thrive Ministry

Made to Love reminds us of God’s grand Love story, and how he has written humanity (that’s us) into that story as his representatives to live out his love on earth. Geoff uses both his own story, told very vulnerably, and recent research that he commissioned globally to show the massive gap in our understanding of what representing God looks like, and who can and should do it. This book is for those who want some guidance for a new direction.”

Andrew Scott, President and CEO, Operation Mobilization (USA); Co-Founder, Scatter Global; Author, Scatter: Go Therefore and Take Your Job with You

“In Made to Love, Geoff Peters invites us to live more deeply in the adventure of Christian believing and living. I use those two words on purpose: Peters is serious about shaping faith in the God who loves us, but he is no less committed to displaying the God who sends us to live and serve the world. He does this through a collection of honest and vulnerable reflections on God’s work through his own experiences in childhood and marriage, parenthood and work, mission and ministry, in both successes and failures. Peters offers a wonderful gift in Made to Love.”

Rev. Jeffrey Conklin-Miller, ThD, Learning Lead and Tutor in Evangelism and Missiology, Cliff College, Derbyshire, UK

We’re in a place of huge disruption as a society and as churches. The leadership systems and training we have in place as God’s people are failing us. Any engagement with this unraveling requires a transformed understanding of who we are before God. This is what Geoff is chronicling for us. More than a personal journey filled with critical and helpful stories, Geoff points us toward the ‘one thing that matters’ for the renewal of leadership in this strange new place.” 

Alan J. Roxburgh, The Missional Network

The family business

“Let Christ shine through your life. This is what it means to be part of God’s family business!”


In this parable tale, five adult siblings from a family in Iowa wrestle with their father’s invitation to join the family business. Each child has skills, passions, and goals of their own; the question is, do they have to give it all up to follow their father? Or could accepting a role in the family business open doors they never imagined?


Reviews : The Family Business

“Get ready to be drawn in. This is a beautiful masterpiece you won’t want to miss.”

Sherry Surratt, Geographical Vice President of North America, OneHope

An enjoyable and discussable read, this book can help make Kingdom business the business of your home, group, church–and life.” 

Emily Sarmiento, President & CEO, Tearfund USA

“A must-read for people deciding whether to step into the Father’s business with their full lives, time, passions, and finances.”

Lawrence Tong, International Director, Operation Mobilisation

“This easy-to-read and engaging book acts as a great reminder of the invitation from Jesus to His followers to engage in the work of His father in every context we find ourselves in!”

Noddy Sharma, Head of church, schools and youth engagement, World Vision Australia


A Reflection Guide for Personal and Small Group Study

Online Course

Live the Life You Were Made For is an online course of study authored by Geoff and Rev. Patrick Oden, offered through Fuller Theological Seminary. The course is designed to help participants fully understand Jesus’ command to “go and make disciples,” and connect each person’s unique gifting with a posture of love and hope as we all strive to follow His calling. (Available in English, Spanish, Portuguese)

 Course Fee: $30 (USD)


What are you Made For? In this 9-episode podcast, we explore who we are in the eyes of God and what He intends for each of us in a global context. Listen to stories from around the world that reveal how God works through ordinary people to create the most amazing, unpredictable transformation stories for His glory.


Mission Gap

It’s a fact: fewer than one-tenth of one percent of Christians embrace the Great Commission. How could that be? Why do people choose to follow Jesus, but not His command? This divide between what we do and what we are called to do is called the mission gap, and it represents one of the most exciting opportunities of our time for church and ministry leaders.


“How God Made You With a Specific Purpose in Mind”

US Publication

"Stepping into the life you were made for"

UK Publication

"When is your stuff, not your stuff?"

US Publication

"6 reasons why most Christians are failing to take the gospel to the nations"

UK Publication

"Sorry, God. I'm Too Busy. Send Someone Else"

US Publication

"Christian = MIssionary"

US Publication


Australian Publication



UK Television Program

Interview with Hope Today (CTVN)

US Television Program

Interview with Cross Rhythms Radio

UK Radio Program, with Jeff Short (begin at 2hr 35m 30s)

Interview with lifetoday tv

US Television Program, with Randy Robison

Interview with Premier Radio

UK Radio Program, with Esther Highman

Interview with TWR - UK

UK Radio Program, with James Maidment-Fullard

Interview with NOW TV Network

US Radio & TV Program, with Andrew Brunet

Interview on Smart Talk

US Podcast Interview, with Trey Graham

Interview with Connections (CHVN 95.1FM)

Canadian Radio Program, with Mike Thom and Colleen Houde

Interview with The Missional Life

US Podcast Program, with Dan and Amanda Gariepy

Interview with UCB2

UK Radio Program, with Ruth O’Reilly-Smith

Interview with The Testimony Podcast

UK Podcast, with Andrew Chamberlain

Interview with The Metron Manager Project

US Podcast Program, with Jonathan Nowlen

Interview with The Meeting House

US/Global Radio Program, with Bob Crittenden

Interview with Ultra 106.5 FM Radio

Tasmanian Radio, a Good Read Segment

Book Review in Methodist Recorder

UK Book Review, by Rev. Geoff Floyd

Interview on Vision 20Twenty Podcast

Australian Podcast, with Neil Johnson

Invite Geoff to Speak

“Happiness doesn’t come from doing whatever you want, it comes from stepping into the life you were made for.”


Geoff Peters has authored two books, The Family Business and Made to Love, and has led speaking engagements and workshops in more than 10 countries for churches, ministries, and conferences, including the Evangelical Press Association.

Geoff’s passion is to inspire people to be a living witness of God’s love in the world. He speaks regularly on the common fears and barriers that prevent Jesus followers from accepting their role – and actively participating – in God’s mission of love and compassion. His heart beats to encourage people to step beyond the safety of their comfort zones and experience the joy and freedom that comes with servanthood.

Geoff holds an MBA from Concordia University Irvine and has spent the lion’s share of his professional life in global marketing. Years of research in multiple countries around the world has afforded Geoff a unique window into the hearts of Christians. Geoff’s ability to see beyond the surface and identify real motivators among Christian audiences has translated into years of practical experience helping ministries engage more effectively with their people.

Currently, Geoff is global Chief Marketing Officer & Brand Champion at Operation Mobilisation (OM) International. He previously served on the executive teams of international ministries like publishing firm David C Cook and humanitarian aid organization Compassion International. For three years, Geoff was also a campus pastor at Sunrise United Methodist Church (Colorado Springs, CO).

Geoff is married with three children in sunny (and snowy) Colorado.



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